About Jennifer A. Rodgers
What about her, anyway…
Thought-full – meaning full of thoughts and generally thinking about everything, including Critical Thinking about each person’s words, actions, and intentions, including my own.
Wholehearted – putting one’s “whole heart” into something, regardless of the result. And, as Brene Brown describes, “engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness.”
Human – because when we strip away all of the gender, race, class, age, etc, we all share one trait – we are all Human.
Jennifer Rodgers is a mom, writer, and farm-living extraordinaire. Once upon a time, before children, she was a child herself growing up in Maine. In the dreaded years of junior high her family moved to California where she experienced culture shock because the West Coast world was so different from her nice, protected cocoon in New England. After hating the state and most people in it from junior high through high school, she realized that it was not so bad in sunny California. She managed to make a couple important friendships that she still holds dear today. Jennifer also found that veggie burritos were actually one of her favorite foods, the beach and surfing were not only far away but overrated, and that the state was incredibly vast and beautiful. Much to her surprise, the bustling Bay Area was what she called home.
Working as an admin for a construction company, she slowly made her way through college with a degree in English; then, with her boyfriend now husband, she went to Southern California for graduate school where she got her Masters degree in English. The couple soon realized that SoCal was not their Cal, so after she got her degree, they moved back up to Northern California, settling in the Sierra Nevada foothills. There they reproduced like so many of their species and now reside with two children, two dogs, two donkeys, two goats (and the twos end here), four cats, one turtle, and eighteen chickens.
Her latest book is You Made It to Motherhood: A Guide for New Moms.